Monday, July 21, 2008

More Beach, Crabs, and other Shenanighans!

Yes friends. There are more crabbing stories. Anthony and I drove down to Ocean Pines on Friday night and came back this morning. My family from Ohio was there and we had a blast. Saturday was spent at the beach where I boogy boarded in FREEZING water followed by round 2 of crabbing, or so we thought.

We decided to stay away from crazy man pier so Anthony and I went back to the place my cousin, uncle, and I went beforehand. It should have been perfect except that is was SO windy. We, however, did not think the wind would affect us too much. I mean we had weights to weigh the canoe down. What could go wrong right?

Our first sign that this adventure was not a good idea was when we put the canoe in the water and I had to ask a guy getting ready to bring in his jet ski which side was the front of the canoe. Once we established that and were in the water we realized just how much the wind carried us in directions we did not want to go, i.e. a pier. We found a spot to crab and set the anchor down. After a few minutes of watching boats and jet skis buzz by, we realized the anchor was not heavy enough due to the absence of a third person in the canoe and the heavy wind. We paddled around and were unsuccessful in finding a spot and crabbing at all. We did see a very large barracuda head with VERY large teeth. It was dead and only the head was floating around. That seemed to be the only exciting thing going on for us. We didn't crab at all and returned home disappointed. However, that night all seven of us piled into our midsize Acura and went to Shenighan's bar and grill where live music and good times ensued.

Sunday was a more successful crabbing day. Anthony and I went to the crazy man pier. When we got there one family was there, but they soon left with a dozen crabs. The pier was all ours yet we were only catching small crabs. Then came the Asians...A family of about eight Asian people overcame the pier and within minutes they were catching huge crabs. I'm talking like 12 year olds are scooping these suckers out of the water. It was very discouraging. The Asian grandparents were a trip. Neither spoke English. Grandpa Asia sat in his chair and would say something in another language when there was a tug on a line and then Grandma Asia would come and pull a huge crab out. Anthony would look at each other as if thinking, 'What the heck?!?!?' In fact, I believe that was said several times. Nonetheless, Asians and all, we ended our crabbing excusion three hours later with four large crabs. We took them back to the house, steamed them, and ate 'em! It was a good day. :-)


Anonymous said...

Katie: "AHHHHH!" (scream) "ANTHONY HELP!"

Anthony: "Katrina what! Whats the matter!"

Katie: "AHHHHHH! I caught a crab! AHHHHH!"

Anonymous said...

woops that last one was mine. Remember, I got my finger split in half because the crab got me...