Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why Do We STILL Not Have Cable?!?!

Due to the second round of thunderstorms on Tuesday, my neighborhood is STILL without cable. However, according to the Pakistani Comcast worker, we have only been without cable since today.

I began thinking, how often does this happen? Not too much, according to Time Warner Cable and maybe this is why: "We consider a cable outage when there are two or more households without cable service in the same vicinity."

Let's break this statement down. So if only my house goes out I do not have a cable outage. Furthermore, what is vicinity? As of now I feel like my vicinity is contained to a circle around my house. And of course, my house is the only house in my circle around my house vicinity without cable. I mean really?! I think it is hysterical that after repeatedly calling the cable company they have decided to admit there is an outage here. Ya thinK!?


Anonymous said...

Have you paid your cable bill?

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me but I forgot to label it

Nick and Kaley said...

Next time, call my bro. He is not pakistani and works in white marsh as a customer service IT man.
He could hook you up w/ some cable. Seriously, we couldn't watch top chef last dad called... Bravo worked!

She Can Laugh at the Days to Come said...

hahah thanks for the advice!